Raining like crazy last night. Got my moccasins soaking wet, and woke up feeling extra stuffy... had to catch myself from falling asleep in the shower, and def had a hard time putting on my leggings... not to mention the extra sneezes and coughs on the train (shout out to the rude lady that stole my seat, even THAT didn't make you smile...smh). Ever had one of these mornings? Wondering why you were outside when you could have been in bed? That was me for a split second, and then I remembered. (Mushy Alert)
I'm seeing this amazing human being. I have to brag. Coming from two years of a lot of random/awkward/train wreck/lying/confusing/debatable/wtf is going on in your head/ heart breaking/ annoying/ very very weird/ I'm I on punk'd?/ I want you as my girl but not with the title experiences with men, I am simply BAFFLED and in the utmost awe stage of my current life. So this is why I am constantly putting happy go lucky statuses on FB and why you can catch me on the train with a big grin on my face... I just can't help it. I'm happy. So fellow readers, enjoy me while I am basically perspiring flowers and rainbows-------insert big heart here.
Its so ironic when you are single you see these couples and you're like ugh get a room while secretly hoping you meet someone you can do the same with, ha. What is even more interesting is the phenomenon I am going through where if one more guy hits me up about hanging out or going on a date I might just have to write a chapter about it on my book-------seriously. But I'm highly flattered. I guess it goes with that universal rule you want what you can't have? hmmm. Well I wouldn't trade my happiness for a glass of wine and some cheap laughs, no sir. The truth is I THINK I actually met someone who is willing to be brutally honest and is reminding me that its okay to dream a little while keeping your feet grounded (<--- isnt that the point of being alive?)
On other news:
Thanksgiving Wknd was quite the spectacle. I managed to see friends I had not seen in months, spend time with the girls whom I love (Lari D, Zu,Yani,Luz), eat a little (crazy i know) and AND ladies and gents fall down a flight of stairs! I'm sure Jlo's and Lady Gaga's falls were more memorable but I bet mine hurt more...ah. Life. I also got SUPER SICK--- shout out to the worlds best mom! who took care of me. I hope I'm half as good a mother as this lady. <3
I have one last trip coming up with my ladies and I am ecstatic... closing 2009 with a bang. This was a year of so many things for me, and I'll write about it as 2010 gets closer........
::If you tune your antenna towards whats possible (instead of whats not) you'll see avenues of opportunities staring you right in the face::