Tuesdays should be left for reflecting on life, and the current state of mind that you are in... and that's exactly what I did today (aside from working, gasp). I'm realizing that I am changing and its really for the better, and I can't even discuss how its happening because I'm discovering it as I go along. Sometimes the events that happen in your life don't affect you until later. All that I have gone through in the course of the past year has really started to affect me now... and I'm glad for it. If we don't take time out to self reflect how can we move forward? make the next step... whether right or wrong.
After pledging my line I learned how much stress I can take, and how strong of a female I could be... how much responsibility I could withstand... and how good it felt to be praised for the hard work I had done. Through past relationships I learned that after being burned, and lied to is hard not to over analyze things and double think guys intentions. Its a double sword, you don't want to judge the new person because of the past but you don't want to be played like a fool... it goes back to what i previously said on taking risks and not lying to yourself. Through friendship fall outs, and friendships newly born... I've learned that as long as I have a good heart, a positive outlook and never wish bad on anyone god will bless me with beautiful people...Karma.
That, makes me reflect on all of those who have done harm to me, or wished bad upon me... and it makes me feel sorry for them... el que tiene odio en su corazon nunca sabra la felicidad.
I went on to reflect on how others view me and how I view myself... I still have so much work to do on myself (try and let go of bad habits), but I've come to be happy with all the good and the bad. How boring would I be if I were perfect? then no one would get a chance to laugh at all my clumsiness and "special" moments. And as far as others go, I only care about those closest to me. You can't judge the unknown. Hard to do, but I'm teaching myself... slowly.
Looks aren't everything! (random)... I was thinking about all the insecurities gorgeous people must have... no one is perfect, so I hope that the imperfect guy that is meant to steal my heart and give me those corny butterflies with just a touch of his skin finds me... sometime in this life...and for those of you who already are perfectly happy with your imperfections ... reflect, and be thankful.
wow I enjoyed this post thoroughly!!! kudos!!
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