And so my first day went pretty swell! I met a lot of people and got to fix my desk... =) lets see how the rest of the week goes... So many things to take in. I want to absorb it all!
Okay I'm going to vent real quick, I absolutely hate when people are rude on a general note. But I hate it even MORE when people are rude over emails. So I would like to give a shout out to someone from my org who loves to be a natzi and use a rude tone of voice through emails, but when you bring it up she says that she didn't say it that way. Listen, I studied Communications, I think I know when someone is being rude and sarcastic. Ahhhh!
Yes. On. Blast. Even if you dont like someone, you can always remain professional.
Nadie le trae lluvia a mi carnaval.