Friday, September 18, 2009

Things that make you go hmmm...

In the course of two weeks over six guys have "kicked game" to me and they have all left me in amazement... but not because of their intellect or sweetness... all I can say is where the fk do these guys come out of? and why on earth I'm I attracting them? Other then to laugh... because clearly thats what this is for... In an effort to better understand this, I'll be chronicling the next few dates I go on, maybe someone can find a reason for the madness... Hmmm?

I went to the premiere of Matt Damon's new film, The Informant, I suggest you all go out to see it... its simply hysterical and the story line was written so well you will enjoy every second of it... I also went to the after party (THANKS CRACKY, HAPPY BDAY AGAIN) and it was fabulous! Gotham Hall is beautiful, I felt like I was in Rome again (the inside looks like a dome)... breath taking to say the least... Matt Damon is very handsome and he had at least 15 people around him the whole time... Many warm wishes to him.

So I translated something for Music Choice! Yey--- Super excited... go for it:

Stay tuned... more to come!
