Life is one big ironic scene, always on going never stopping. Funny how one could be completely devastated when a romantic encounter ends, completely missing out on the point that the universe is making. The signs were there for a while but as humans and stubborn beings that we are, you choose not to listen… fk it I can make this work (I’ll force it, even if I have to cut the pieces myself so that they fit ha..ha..ha..) So here you are, sad upset and having a hard time remembering what it was to be happy before this person existed in your life. Every where you go their name pops up, every song seems to have a line you swear was customized for this person….. and then (INSERT IRONY HERE) someone new catches your eye--- ::sigh:: maybe the universe knew what it was doing all along. Maybe your intuition should have a little more control over your heart…perhaps. Perhaps.
I always say it and continue to say it… take a risk in all, especially in romance. You can’t get caught up in the end of something (old) when the true lesson is that you need to get ready for the something (new) that is making its way to you. And I don’t mean the next person you meet will be the soul mate you were waiting for, what I do mean is that this new being you are going to cross paths with will take you one step closer to whatever it is you are looking for…….
I have a topic swirling in my head and don’t know how to put it down on paper (or blogger) just yet. But it has to do with sex and the double standards that will never go away (no, they wont). How these ideas affect Latinas (based on the ones I have held a conversation regarding the subject) and if they hinder our possibilities for a monogamous and committed relationship… something like, a man expecting a virgin (ha!), or women not being able to talk about casual sex openly not only because she will be looked down as a puta (ouch tough word, sounds so ugly doesn’t it?) by men but also by their counterparts (SMH), AND the biggest issue of all for me with this topic—is can women ever truly “act” like men? Detach themselves from all emotional aspects of being intimate and enjoy sex purely for …sex?
I’ll be writing on this soon… let me gather my thoughts.
Fan Star
::Lately I can’t stop smiling, Daydreams fill my thoughts, Sparkle in my Eyes, My soul is Dancing::
I always say it and continue to say it… take a risk in all, especially in romance. You can’t get caught up in the end of something (old) when the true lesson is that you need to get ready for the something (new) that is making its way to you. And I don’t mean the next person you meet will be the soul mate you were waiting for, what I do mean is that this new being you are going to cross paths with will take you one step closer to whatever it is you are looking for…….
I have a topic swirling in my head and don’t know how to put it down on paper (or blogger) just yet. But it has to do with sex and the double standards that will never go away (no, they wont). How these ideas affect Latinas (based on the ones I have held a conversation regarding the subject) and if they hinder our possibilities for a monogamous and committed relationship… something like, a man expecting a virgin (ha!), or women not being able to talk about casual sex openly not only because she will be looked down as a puta (ouch tough word, sounds so ugly doesn’t it?) by men but also by their counterparts (SMH), AND the biggest issue of all for me with this topic—is can women ever truly “act” like men? Detach themselves from all emotional aspects of being intimate and enjoy sex purely for …sex?
I’ll be writing on this soon… let me gather my thoughts.
Fan Star
::Lately I can’t stop smiling, Daydreams fill my thoughts, Sparkle in my Eyes, My soul is Dancing::
i think women can enjoy sex purely for sex..but not many of us really say it out loud.. the whole double standard B.S.
I actually read this whole thing... whew... First part: dope, Im glad you believe in something greater architecting our paths...
as far as whats lingering in your mind... let it linger, and live freely!
Beautiful description of the emotional situation. I am not sure if women can do it only for the sex :/..
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