Being a female is exhausting
Or perhaps its my existing
Flipping, Turning Morning
Growing... into a woman.
Constantly battling thoughts about this man...
My goals. My Dreams. My Aspirations.
Where I'll be 5 years from now
If his name I'll still Mention
Who really knows, I might have a different destination...
So you see, is it me or are we too analytical?
Getting ahead of ourselves
Taking words that are said way too literal.
Back & Forth. Back & Forth.
Debating things that probably don't need debating
My feelings I'm stating...
A constant change, Yes! I'm changing.
Why must we be driven by emotions
Piling on the sentiments
like Cocoa Butter Lotion...
Reminiscing on your skin
And the RHYTHMIC motion
of your lips against my... indeed you are a sin...
As if I am a glass of water and drinking me is all that really matters.
Break my heart, here we go again
Neyo sang Ms Independent
Providing you all with Entertainment.
What is next in line for me? For you?
So soon our souls did meet
Or MAYBE yours was looking for mine these past 5 centuries
Or MAYBE I'm just making this all up, and really should just STFU...
Or May B, May B, May B, what will BE may B.
Easily I'm lifted by the way that you speak
The way you undress my body with your eyes your love I do seek.
For a bleak second I feel my heart shift...
Right. Left. Right.
"I"m a soldier of love" like Sade, and trust I do relate...
See cupid is using my heart as bate
Forgetting that this is all fate.
I have to detach myself from this addiction
Must separate facts from fiction
My goals to be a writer,
to see a little brighter,
breath a little lighter
are still there.
I'm trying not to fall...
So reality pick up the phone
This jaded lady is placing a call.