So...and I'm off!
Mami and I were watching the news (which I rarely care to look @ since its all skewed to the side that pretty much shows: the world is horrible, the world is ending, explosions, the economy is crumbling etc etc) and they had this whole thing on religion. Now, I don't believe in organized religion on any level what-so-ever so it caught my eye, but I do believe in objective journalism (which is lacking since the Europeans stepped foot on the land that wasn't theirs). And so it was once again lop sided story telling. HOWEVER, some of it I agreed with (hey don't shake your head at me, I'm entitled to my opinions too). Institutionalized religion is like politics: needed to "keep the peace" to keep the world "functioning" to provide some type of "structure", but full of brain washing individuals who control with one hand and hold the people's (usually the poor/working class aka present slaves) money with the other.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not an atheist. I believe in a higher being, and I hold faith in her existence very close to my heart. I am a spiritual being and therefor cannot buy half the crap fed to society through the churches and their kings I mean priest... ahem...
In a time of so much "craziness" where it seems that the "straw that broke the camel's back" is about to fall from the heavens above, I would hope (will hope) that people go through some self evaluation and that in the process of it do some spiritual searching. After all doesn't God live within us? I know this is true.
So why buy beliefs from individuals who promise you the "promise land". None have proof of where it is. Could it not be that there is heaven on Earth? Why is it that people, and I mean religion fanatics, spend their whole lives preaching about death---and forget to live while they are alive.
Mami has always told me one thing, "Nothing in life is guaranteed except for death, so make the best of your life now". Now ain't that the truth?...hmmm... Just questions tis' all.
With Hope. And Faith.
Fan Star
::Not Every Finger Is Ready For Its DIAMOND:: Yuvelqui Rivera
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