I am creatively expanding and it feels so good. Imagine running for miles and finally drinking a bottle of water. Refreshing no doubt. I am not sure where it will lead, if anywhere at all but to be frank I'm not getting any younger and the worse thing that could happen is rejection. Now, I have already learned to deal with rejection in my personal life (both romantic/family related/ and with friendships), so it is only natural I become un-phased by rejection in my career/projects. And if rejection is to be some what of a key player in this much needed plunge, it could only be taken with a grain of salt. After all, the best lessons and ideas come when a few others have failed. I am sure Thomas Edison didn't get all his inventions quite right the first time around...
Taking a chance on myself also means that others are also taking a chance on me, and for that I am thankful. It may be that I won't have that certain je ne sais quoi that these individuals are looking for in a "chance vessel", but I'll say this much: I'll work to try and surpass not others expectations but rather the expectations I have for myself.
On another note, I am very happy the underdogs aka the Saints won the Superbowl. I missed the whole thing do to an uncontrollable slumber fest, so I am not going to comment on any great passes or tackles but I hope Kimmi cakes showed Reggie Chocolate Bush a victory dance (I would have done the Harlem shake for him--my specialty).
I just saw 3 short clips of Lonnie "You Make My Heart Melt" Lynn aka Common on Current TV (gracias Ran el Man for the "put on") and if I didn't love this man before, I most definitely do now. He is what I call a real artist. From what it seems, he has not forgotten where he came from and continues to embrace his people. His fans. This man seems so humble, never being boastful about how much he has done for our Hip-Hop Generation....I can't wait for his new album which according to the blogs is dropping this year. Let us hope I get to see him in concert soon.
On that Hip-Hop note, I am reading "Its Bigger than Hip-Hop" by M.K. Asante Jr. and I am loving his writing style so far. I feel as if I'm witnessing one of the greatest ongoing speeches, I suppose this is because he is a professor. Admirable, since the dude is in his 20's. He is also a film maker and has dreadlocks which I love. Haha. Let me live.
I want to continue in surrounding myself with creative types. Whether the passion lies in building small cities out of Lego's or building minds through words, that does not matter. I just wish to inspire and be inspired. Limitations are tricks we play on ourselves.
Like a Phoenix I rise. 2010.
yo yo yo check it lol..this is my fave post of yours..love love love it reminded me of these lyrics "i just want to innovate
stimulate minds
travel the world
penetrate the times!!" And about our man a.k.a ur husband Common we should make it a goal to go see him this year no matter where he is!
I'm down as long as its on the East Coast... I'll troop it for him!
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