I'm always trying to figure out how I could reinvent myself. A classic version of myself with a twist. A twist of lime with sugar on the side... hmm.
What do I want to be? Where do I want to be? Who do I want to be?
I honestly don't know yet. As I'm starting to build this thing to define it would be difficult and quite impossible.
Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to figure ourselves out that we forget to just live. In the now.
So last night, after some comfort food and prior to an inspiring conversation with an amazing man
I decided to ink a reminder on myself. An ideal of mine and a motto I don't want to ever forget.
I don't want to ever limit myself.
Or to live by other peoples rules (and I mean social rules) or standards.
What my closets friends might find risque or wild or ridiculously unconventional, I may see as normal.
I want to expose myself like undeveloped film, and see where life takes me.
Who knows, I might end up in the suburbs making cookies for my kids soccer team (yum!)
I might end up traveling the world, and living off my backpack for the next 10 years.
Whatever it is I end up doing, where ever this thing takes me... I want to always remember to
The heart at the end symbolizes something bigger than just a cute symbol.
But lets just say they follow me, and are truly an omen whenever I'm doubting my place in this universe.
To the person who held my hand, and shared part of their journey with me. Thank you. There are two types of people in this world, the one's who overcome adversity and the one's who give up because of a cloudy day. Sometimes we are at the right place, at the right time. Sometimes it is what it is.
Dedicated to: Unconventionally Sweet