I'm in a transitional stage of life... I feel as if I'm running in place and someone is holding me by the back of my shirt, teasing me. I'm just waiting for fate to let me go so I can move forward with destiny.
The things I want are so close I can smell them. At the end of last year Love was on my mind 24/7, now its my career and my dreams of that apt. I can see my king size bed with white sheets and a million pillows waiting for me at night, I can see my wall of inspiration painted by one of my friends ready for my viewing pleasure every day I awake. I can smell the sweet scent of my sazon on the frying pan as I cook for my dinner party... I envision 10 candles lit around me as I take a bubble bath, drink a glass of red wine and listen to the soothing voice of Maxwell.
I hear my my phone ring at my desk and the sound of my voice answering, I see my De La Vega mug that reads "BECOME YOUR DREAM" steaming with my morning green tea. I can feel the keys of my mac underneath my finger tips as I come up with something creative... and if my creativity is lacking I can look up and see the photographs of my parents and friends smiling at me encouraging me to keep going...
If wants and needs self manifest, then let the visions of my very near future come true. Stability, liberty and the continuation of my #1 goal in life: HAPPINESS.
To that higher being, all I ask if for guidance.
Like a Phoenix I risse...
my all time fave post!
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