20 years of sisterhood
20 years of women beginning a process
20 years of women excelling in life
20 years of friendships that have grown into more than just
chapter meetings & programs
20 years of stories & support
To think that 20 years ago 13 women dared to DREAM BIG
and 20 years later their dream continues to build with each new member.
I'm sure my founding mothers did not think this far ahead,
but then again who would have.
I'm proud to be a SIA and to have earned my letters.
Even though I'm not involved as much as I was four years ago,
I am still very aware of the fact that I joined
The Best Hermandad
So to my sisters I say: S.U.E.I.
Since September 1990
S.U.E.I to you mi Hermana!
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