It has been an interesting past three days in Los Angeles... I have experienced two extremes, and I am ready to stick to one... To put it in NYC terms I went from hanging in Soho to hanging in the projects in red hook... Bad. BUT! Funny! You always have to laugh at the things that come your way.
I am enjoying LA thus far, but I can't say I am in love with just 24 hours... I don't believe in love at first sight (shocker). The weather is def gorgeous, and as a person who has never worn shades (other than for fun)-- I will be buying a pair rather soon.
I already felt culture shock at its finest but I am embracing it... Cali has its own vibe and swag going on and I'm ready to consume it... without losing sight of my NYC'ness...
People are extremely nice, I've had random conversations with a bunch of individuals and none tried to get money from me nor were they trying to get my number... And some were white... lol Yea, I was a little shocked. No offense to my white people out there. Just never experienced that in midtown on a Thursday at 3 pm.
I am excited for the weekend, the Grammy's are here and I hope I get to sneak into a party! hehe. Just a fly on the wall...
Stay tuned much more to come...
Nice or Fake? Just keep your guard up at all time :)
Cali stole my wife! But very I'm happy to hear you're safe and finding your way. You got this. Looking fwd to hearing all the new memories you'll be making. NYC misses you.
LMAO People being extremely nice without wanting your money!
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