I am moving back to NYC. Not because I couldn't make it out here in LA but because my career demands it...
How do I feel? Bittersweet to be exact.
I love NYC, no matter how much shit people may talk about my city, I will always love it. And I mean that deep, crazy, butterflies in your stomach, excited about it love. True never ending, non-judgemental love. I have a multitude of open arms at home waiting to give me that love that I hold very closely to my heart.
LA? Well, LA is like the guy you don't really want to date at first and end up catching feelings for. I've enjoyed my growing relationship with my sorors out here and my wonderful roommate. I've enjoyed being home 85% of the time and spending time with myself, figuring myself out in this new stage of my life. I've enjoyed my diverse co-workers who have embraced my crazy dry sarcastic humor... I've enjoyed the few dates I've had with some sweet men. The one's who managed to get through my "mean" demeanor made my time out here that much more memorable.
But, as fate will have it, as she always has it, I will be where I'm meant to be. And this time around is back to NY. I'm excited to return to my most faithful and lasting relationship (aside from the one I have with God), and that's the one I have with my city.
Cheers to what lays ahead...
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