Best thing I've done this year is follow my intuition... I don't know why it took me 21 years to realize that's the only love/financial/friendship doctor I needed. That little something inside you that tells you, "don't do it...don't you pick up the phone and call first...(or)... are those pair of shoes really necessary? must you have yet another pair of black heels?"... yeah I'm sure as hell glad I'm starting to listen to myself more often.
I don't know about you, but being surrounded by so much noise makes it hard to stop, clear your head and listen to yourself. No one knows you better than you. There are people that come close to it, a best friend, your parents, your diary...but in the end of it all, only you know yourself down to the core. And even still you only know yourself so much, because there are moments in which you do something so out of character that two minutes later you are asking yourself, wtf did I just do... I've learned from those moments as well. I'm the type of person that tends to dwell on things...beat myself up for them, like why, why... and I go over the events in my head and try to figure out a way I could change it...except who has the power to change the past? not me. For example, when i was about 13 my cousin took me to her sorority house upstate and she told me to watch my mouth because I tended to say really reckless sht... well, at some point in the house one her sorors starts screaming hysterically because she saw a cotton ball and she is petrified of them... I automatically say WOW YOU'RE FREAKING CRAZY. That earned me the worse look from my cousin. It took me a while to get over it, and to you it might seem stupid...but I looked up to my cousin so that was as if I had disappointed her. Till this day, I'll think about that once in a blue... randomly. Anyway, back to intuition.
I confessed earlier that I am scared of graduating, and although I still am, I'm trying to take each day with a grain of salt. I've been looking at schools that offer programs for continuing education(just a possibility), I'm interested in the New School (connected with Parsons) and it seems really dope... I'm also looking into maybe trying to get a grant and teach English to Spanish speaking students like Argentina... I love to travel so I'm also looking at being a flight attendant lol... I sound crazy, but those are all the ideas bouncing around in my head. I haven't given up on the dream of working for a magazine. My intuition is telling me that I should follow that feeling that drives me, and that's def writing and fashion. So I'll keep going with that. Wish me luck!
On to another topic, Wed : Relationships
Can I just say that I read in the news paper today that one fourth of nyc ppl have unprotected sex, and that they do it with multiple partners. ISN' T THAT SOMETHING TO BE WORRIED ABOUT? How many one night stands have you had? how many times have you had a sexual interaction with someone and you don't even know their last name... omg, I am so disgusted. A kiss, a touch... my generation is so promiscuous... do we not care about health?? Go get tested, and people, don't get offended if your partner asks you if you have gotten tested, or if you have a condom, or how many have you had sex with... I think its only right to ask things like this in this day and age... despicable...indeed.
So, you and a guy trade numbers, who calls first? Idk the rules of the games, but if my INTUITION tells me don't call I'm not calling. Is not a matter of pride so much as a matter of not looking like you're "thirsty" for the person. Good looking men, KNOW they are good looking...that's all I gotta say for the ladies... and same goes for men. Good looking girls, know that. But like my cousin has taught me, THERE IS NO ONE OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE. I don't care how fab, amazing, fantastic, outrageously smart sassy funny talented you are... there is no one out of anyones league. Why do you see ugly ppl with a dime next to them? personality. CHARM.
Yup, charm. When you stop focusing on others, and start focusing on yourself...others take notice...
Back to work... You can lie all you want, but always keep it real with yourself. There is nothing worse than not being able to listen to your own intuition.
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