Lately the idea of life after college has been hitting me hardcore. It doesn't help that my mother keeps asking me if I plan to get my masters or what career I will fall into. I guess every college student goes through that (the ones that aren't rich atleast). So one more semester to go and I get to come back into reality, because even though I've worked every summer since I was 14 years old, I am yet to pay rent or a light bill. That petrefies me. I don't mind responsibility, but not having the job with the right $ to allow me to take care of my responsibilities is making me dread the future...something I'm usually excited about. At the economic state we are at right now I dont see how a degree is any good, specially since now its almost like a h.s. diploma...what has this country come to? ugh... regardless I'm trying to be as optimistic as possible, because things can always be worse. They can ALWAYS be worse. So I'll count my blessings and go on with life, hoping that I get lucky someway somehow.
So why do good guys end last? and girls as well? and why can't I stick with the good guy and stop falling for the jerk/a-hole/player/bachelor thats wanted by other girls...why do i attract those types of dudes? Is all about conquering and leaving their mark. Like dogs do when they pee. No wonder there are so many bitter females out there, no body believes in monogomy anymore... is sickening... lol, it really is. I wonder where relationships will end years from now, since they are starting to become extinct. I say yes to adoption at this point.
So I hope my bff reads this, because I miss her dearly and the only reason I haven't called is because I don't think I did anything wrong. In my heart. So if you miss me too, lets kiss and makeup already.
Back to work... more blogging to come now that I remembered my password!
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