After yet another fantabulous weekend, where I of course found random things to do (its become an art over the years) I started thinking about men and their age, and why it takes some men so many years to grow up... make a commitment and not act like fools when they have a good female by their side. I was around all sorts of guys this weekend: college grads, hicked out Dominicans, career men, hood guys, firefighters, and even a groom on his wedding date... and I got to observe the different degrees of maturity and "grown man-ness" that each group possessed. I'm not knocking being a kid at heart and always enjoying yourself in any situation; but I just think its a problem when a man refuses to grow up. When you're in your 40's and you're still being a player, and trying to be the life of the party it just becomes obnoxious. That's my personal opinion. For females its difficult to de-code guys at any age, I dont care what anyone says.
When you're 5 the boy pulls your hair and kicks you, or he makes fun of you (his way of showing he likes you), at 15 he ignores you because he doesn't know how to approach you, at 18 hes all about his boys and wants to be the player, in the 20's he wants to live it up (god forbid he takes anything serious, and if he does, he does it too late), and in his 30's... well I'm lost with this age group all together.
Maybe that's why girls get all psychotic and vicious, because they drive themselves crazy trying to figure things out... when maybe they should just let things be. Let the missing pieces of the puzzle find themselves.
I could only hope that guys stop wasting females times, unless that's the kind of female that wants you. Don't get offended if one of us denies you the exchange of numbers, some of us are tired of the chase. You want a challenge? Read Moby Dick, just don't be one. I'm just trying to be happy man.
Let me throw a little humor at this!
"It is in the thirties that we want friends. In the forties we know they won't save us any more than love did." F Scott Fitzgerald
I think its funny that you say to not to generalize with women, but you do it with MEN!
Well all generalizations come from some sort of stereotype, and at the root of all stereotypes lies some ground of truth... with that said, go ahead and generalize women if you wish. I'm not generalizing men off the top of my head or from reading a magazine. I am talking from my observations, my previous boyfriends/daters, my sisters lovers (for lack of a better word) etc. It would be grand if men, would just be honest and not have an issue with communication... (oh, that sounds like yet another generalization...silly me).
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