Thursday, August 14, 2008

Los Que Menos Corren, Vuelan

Oh men. Oh women. Lately I can't stop myself from over hearing women's conversations everywhere I go. On the Bx13 heading to my girls house, walking to soho from work, in the colmado buying my whole wheat toast with egg whites. And all of them are discussing, bitching, arguing, venting, or bragging about a guy. I wonder if men spend half as much time as us women do discussing, analyzing, breaking and building back up the stories and issues of our many important and none important relationships. All I ever hear out of men's mouth is about the latest layup so & so did at the game, about ESPN and how that game should have gone differently, how they bought some new hot "kix", about la comida que su mami hace... POINTLESS SHT. And I almost envy those conversations. Why are we so inclined to speak about men. Are they really that needed? ha-ha... don't take offense. I'm just venting. Guys half ass it while girls (the good ones, the ones that care) put in work, to ultimately end up disappointed. And let me tell you, trying not to have expectations never works, because in the end, we always have them... they hide and we think they aren't there, but they are. BAM! there.

And then can I just vent about the men que nada mas quieren una noche de nalga. Not to sound vulgar, but that is the truth. Straight up push up on you and turn into pervs trying to cop a feel, after you have clearly said NO in Spanish and English... he who wants to hang out and then you get the hunch he wants more than just to cuddle. Fk that. Some of us Latinas (the good ones, the ones that read and know about the world beyond the end of our block) are smart enough to know better. How dare you. Has this world come to its low? No decency left. And then the ones that are "good catches" still manage, como dice mi madre, " CAGARLA" because they dont know that certain comments are inappropriate, that they are offensive... Pariguayos. I am such a calm girl, yes a bug out and a joker and someone that likes to see everyone smile, even if I just met you... but once I burst, I burst. And I am so fkin annoyed and disgusted at the way some men act. Maybe if I hung out with whores that didn't have jobs, or a college degree, that type of behavior would be acceptable (the you know, "lets be pigs" behavior) but since I dont... its just an insult. Now a days you can't get too comfortable because that BAM! comes out of no where... it always does.

Pero na', como le dije a mi manita "you have to kiss many frogs before getting to your prince... and even he, wont be perfect," True.

Dig It.


Anonymous said...

Again, I much enjoyed your blog! Believe it or not Men too spend a lot of time talking about females. We often suppress our urges to talk about women to our peers because of fear of ridicule and/or other forms of belittling.

Also, the type of "women talk" that is prominent within then man realm is less than flattering to women. Hence, the lack of public conversation about women. I agree with you about "Not" having expectations, it is inevitable.
Unfortunately we have to work on keeping the expectation low.

I'll be looking forward to your next blog.

A.R.T said...


Zara said...

Could you please translate "los que menos corren, vuelan" for me? I read it in a book and I am thinking that it is a sort of proverb, but I can't figure out what exactly it means. Thank you!

Yari Blanco said...

Im super late, but it basically means the ones who you least expect to do something are the first ones to do it... you know how they say, watch out for the quiet ones?

Something a long those lines.

Zara said...

Ah, thank you! I appreciate it!