My style is SLACKING... ugh. I just came to that realization today after looking at how dope I looked in H.s. but back then I had a job and I didn't have to worry about paying my phone bill (its more important than some new shoes, sadly)... And so I started to think wth happened?! and here it is... COLLEGE...DORMING... yup that sums it up.
4 years up here and I'm all about sweats and hoodies (most comfortable thing ever). Don't get it twisted, I dress when I need to dress. But now that I'll be back in NYC officially, I'll have to step my game up once again.

In the city i get inspired, just by looking at some random picture, or some girls handkerchief that happens to have an odd flower on it... up here the only inspiration I can get is from going into the fashion lab and flipping through the latest magazines... and yet, I've never been huge on high fashion. I'm more into random indie poetic styles that really give you a sense of who the person is... all that I'm a hip hop baby and an 80s baby crap is really annoying and tacky. Making one piece into a full outfit is more important to me than rocking all the latest runway fashions (not that I can afford them anywho)... I've never been the girl to ask for jewelry and diamonds--- I love costume jewelry all the fake plastic stuff makes me happy, the only diamond I want is if I ever get married ha----
I go through phases from the ghetto-fied urbinite sneaker wearing girl to the real prissy high heel pass me my clutch and hold my drink jump off... I can do it up down side ways... I guess I'm just versatile. I wore a 50's vintage dress summer 05 and did I not get looks??! yes, and now... now is in... I was the first in h.s. to rock boxing sneakers, plastic boxy black glasses, colored jeans, funky stockings, pocahontas boots (don't remember the real name), high wasted jeans ... and now! NOW ALL OF THAT IS IN... like seriously?? haha... I'll see how I RE INVENT those old styles.
A dude that can dress, damn... add a nice smile a couple of jokes/sarcastic smart mouth comments/ an avid reader...and well, I might just be in heaven. I feed off of that. Def a plus. And I don't mean throwing together some dunks and a tee, I mean really having something funky that will make me say "ehhh amiguito, so where did you get that?"... I guess my standards have gone up...
Trying to find ways to re-invent myself has suddenly caught my attention, I'm bored with this... w.e. this is.. hopefully this changes...fast... Maybe graduating and the new year put me in this re-invent yourself mood.... Stay tuned to see what happens because I feel some wild ideas coming about... Below some pictures that have inspired me lately...
dope dope dope...

ehhhh yeah... finish moving.. and uhm... I dont got no tees... LOL
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