Thursday! Oh the random events of life...
I got two tickets to see Chicago the musical for free (yey hard work pays off (thanks Rachel)), I was going to take my mother but! last minute she didn't feel so well so I took my best friend the Bebo! (lol sounds like a movie, no?)
The show was simply amazing, funny and extremely entertaining, I loved! the dancing---some of the splits off the walls and on top of guys made you go hmm (insert thought bubble here) hehe. Sofia Vergara (playing mama morton) was great! I underestimated her talent, she sang and acted well, very charismatic and it didn't hurt she is easy on the eyes---more like gorgeous...
After a sis encouraged me to come out to this party at BLVD I seduced Abel to join (trust me you can't say no to these freckles!)... oh boy.
-Girls dressing like they came from the beach, I think I was too dressed up with a short freakum dress and heels... imagine that. Girls, try a little wtf.
-A guy was wearing a blazer, a tight fitted and a book bag---imagine this person sliding around the dance floor bumping his chest (shout out to Omar someone is copying your moves hahahah)... this was what started the jokes of the night... I think he was going to stomp the yard.
-A guy with braids blocking me for no reason, I kindly told him "escuseeeee miii sean-a-paul"
-Another guy asking me to dance salsa...and he didn't know how, I said no thank you. Its not that I'm rude its that if you don't know how to dance something learn at home and then try! Goodness. Salsa is not the genre to fake the funk at, its not 1-2-3 back, or shake hips to the right/left... My kids will learn salsa before anything else.
-Me crawling to get my sweater (i was wearing a leopard dress, so it was fun to see a group of ppl staring)
-The white girl on the stage dancing... I hope someone somewhere recorded it.
After seeing that there was no hope of any real dancing (and the lack of eye candy---except for one, lets leave it at that...) we trooped it home... Abel made my night by saying the following at 323 am:
Me: Thomas Jefferson invented the telephone?!
Abel: nah, that was Con Edison
(paused and laughter burst like a bag of skittles a child tried to open).... classic!
I got harassed by a hideous huge man, ugh... why? Men seriously stop. He tried to speak to me, i moved from my seat and he followed, even though i had my head phones. I swear he could have smashed my head with one of his disgusting massive hands... no more going home dolo for me! I'll be taking the black book with me, or better yet Dream Team!
*Thanks for calling and making sure I got home ok, I REALLY appreciate it*
I rolled out of bed with 2 hours of sleep, and here I am... no one but maybe 10 people in the whole department... listening to the Dirty Dancing sound track... wondering if I can make it through the next 2 hours... but, with the help of Dream Team (and soon to be hehe) + a ridiculous message from someone telling me I'm not diddy so I should get back to them when they text me (seriously I AM BUSY and if I don't hit you back up, then go read my blog about SHES JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU---I hate being mean, I really do, but if you push my buttons youre gonna see a side you won't like)+lemonade= 3 DAY WEEKEND... lets see what happens.
Supa dupa wired---Fan-Freakin-Tastic