Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Amazing weekend... I was surrounded by my favorite people and some new individuals whom I never thought I would be spending time with, let alone enjoying myself... see why you can't be so limited and closed minded? Sometimes you have more in common than you think.

The summer has officially begun and I know this because me and the girls have already started the random hangouts, however unlike last summer this summer we will enjoy the entire day (summer 08 was filled with late nights)... working out (its ok if I threw up a little, I kept going)... bbqs (who doesn't like making fun of little kids falling off of bikes?)... game of kings (pls take the little man off the mouth piece of ur drink before he drowns)...

My four day weekend ended with an impromptu bbq which was great, and some much needed ummmmm friendlyness? haha. Lets just say I went to sleep smiling, because it doesn't take much to make me happy but only certain ppl can give me that x factor to do so.

Too many highlights... to share.

<3 Fantastic.