Monday, August 24, 2009

Joyful Joyful

I'm super ...errr... I just got nostalgic watching ABDC (lmao insert clip of lil mam here)... I Love dancing, I can't wait for Fame the remake to come out ( I know errr again)...

I found myself in the middle of a political/social economic fueled conversation and I barely had anything to offer... that wasn't a great feeling... I guess after college I've disconnected myself as much as possible from the current event news, I've blocked off what I learned about Marxism, Communism, Socialism... then again I wasn't a PoliSci major==> BUT that is not an excuse to not have much to contribute to a conversation... and so now I will make it a point to read publications from around the globe, not just the US bc we all know how skewed that can be... but most of all I would like to read some books on politics and the social economic atmosphere that we and other countries live under... Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Men who have the syndrome known as "mamitis" scare me... so if you are aware of this in your life nip it... the pontential relationships that you are dead-in bc of this syndrome are....(errr again)

I am chuckling on the inside at all the guys from my past that didn't last who are trying to make a comeback but will go no where fast...chuckle...chuckle...

I can't wait for the fall... and maybe fall in love... with life- All Over Again.



Oculto said...

damn, this sounds ruthless...