Thursday, April 8, 2010

Potion of Emotions

My heart feels betrayed
I must've missed my train,
because this one seems delayed.

My woman's intuition winning by default
striking quick like Zeus' thunderbolt
Steady steering turned into a crash
I don't mean to sound dramatic
or rather just too harsh
But any other chick woulda been out in a dash
Quicker than lightning flash.

A million pieces shattered on the floor
most still there... outside that locked door

Time traveling between what was, what used to be, and what it is
a thief of the best kind
stealing your first kiss
and then you stole my mind
leaving my heart defenseless...
how could jaded me be so careless.

And so here I am
back at square one
waiting for step two
One day a memory to you I'll be too.

My heart feels betrayed
and I'm the one to blame
This moment was like water and a flame.


The quickest way to get over hurt, is by letting it bleed out. (Figuratively that is)


A.R.T said...

i feel exactly this way GUAU!