Here are a list of things that men should NOT do if they want to keep a woman who is amazing...
- Don't act like your time is more important than hers, everyone has sht to do
- Don't do one thing at the start of a relationship and get lazy 3 months into it, if that is not you from the start then don't do it
- Don't get salty when something doesn't go your way and try to be indifferent, it comes off as you being an idiot and frankly it will backfire 9 out of 10 times
- Don't fk up multiple times (and you know how you fk up) and then when she ends things you want to hit her off with a text on how you miss her or if she misses you, a text is the bare minimum and therefor makes you a lazy mofo. Put in work if you want her.
- Don't ignore a text/call for days and then act like you didn't, again you look like an ahole
- If she communicates to you something that bothers her or that affects the relationship, acknowledge it and work on it, if you don't it makes you look like a man who does not listen nor cares
- Look up, memorize, remember and practice: RECIPROCATION
Just my 2 cents for the days as men who are making simple minded ahole mistakes seem to be a recurring theme this week.
ps- this only applies to men who have already established a relationship with the female, if she has never given you the time of day then find another one...
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