I'm going to pick up a copy of this novel, something keeps calling me to it... maybe it's the fact that they announced a sequel to the movie, or maybe it's because the title resonates with me so much...
Living in a new place comes with a lot of ups and downs. This move has affected me emotionally and mentally. I have days where I feel so happy I made this move, and others that make me wonder just exactly what was I thinking... but that's part of every major choice we make in life.
College, careers, love...
Everyday I wake up and I pray, and I pray every night too. Everyday I think of what I want out of life, and how I can maintain my happy healthy state of mind, body and soul.
I think that is the most important lesson I'm learning out here in LA, that maintaining that happy state is important. Whether it's at work, in your home, when you're sharing yourself with someone or simply when you're by yourself.
After all, there is only one of you and you have to deal with you for the rest of your life.
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