A friend of mine once asked me, are you a tigger? It took me a while to answer this simply bc who the hell would ask such a question? I've always been a fan of the chubby donkey ior (is that his name?)...but hes always so sad. So after he explained it to me, I came to the simple yet wonderful realization that I am def a Tigger.
See as a tigger I am in charge of my own destiny. I and only I have the power of making me happy, sad, angry, upset, excited blah blah... you get the point.
People always complain. And none want to do a damn thing about their situation, is like all they want to do is complain. I think some individuals live for it. So for the first time in months (bc as sad as it is and as hard as it may be to believe, I too was one of those people that always complained about bullshit) I am taking charge of me. I am maintaining my happy state of mind, and if by some reason I decide to let some unworthy human being shake my mood, I am only to blame for it.
People! this is the thing! ready? You! Can! Be! Happy! yes, I know it is a difficult concept to grasp... but seriously it is easy. Just do it (like Nike). If there is something negative in your life, then cut it off from existance! I did it! and it has done wonders for me... I'm smiling! shoot! I even started this blog.
So go! do it! start to take control of your life! and stop worrying about what others think or might say. True friends will always stick around and those who didn't, well clearly they weren't as cool as you (or me).
p.s. Listen to Sara Bareilles "Sweet Love" (just do it)
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