So I've been preaching all this stuff about being happy and that's great. But I'm going to suggest you take it to the next level. I know I know, practice what you preach but! I'm doing it as well (ahah!) So with that said here it goes.
We as women and men cannot be completely happy if we aren't there on 3 levels:
Yes, we can be happy by doing the things that stimulate us such as reading or riding a horse. But we should not stop there. By doing the above activities we are simply working on our mental well being; (here comes my suggestion)-- in order to work on your physical well being (happiness) you should begin to take part in some type of sport or active routine. I myself have started to go to the gym as I once use to. And can I just say that it made me feel AMAZING. It releases so much stress not to mention you feel so accomplished at the end of the work out. Americans, and whom ever else lives in the U.S., tend to sit around a t.v or computer ALL DAY and become displeased with their appearance... leading to unhappiness (see!). So go out there and do yoga, take a jog, grab your cousins bike and ride around, or maybe you can do what my mami does and turn up the radio and dance like a mad person (trust me shes kept in shape)...
As far as your soul, well only you can figure out a way to feed it. Me? I take time to meditate each day, I thank God (whoever he may be) for another day of sun light and for giving me another chance to make someone else's day a better one... So maybe that can work for you.
Love me, mind, body & soul.
p.s. listen to MIA Boyz if you need a song to get your booty going...heheh
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