Great break! no seriously it was dope. I got to see my family, groom myself (yey I look attractive once again), see my super cool ass sisters (cooler than a pack of gummy bears) and I got to hookah while listening to some Spanish music... does it get any better!? well well well, here we go. Nada es facil.
So today I had to head back to school and what a trip, after getting my laptop from Queens ( I was in the bx... I should just move there) and waiting for mami to come home (I had to say bye) I walk outside with my umbrella (the one that was not looking too good) and yup! you guessed it, it didn't make it past the corner (my building is on the corner)... Great! cold icy rain, nothing puts me in a better mood... fk it.
I missed the train by 2 minutes! usually this number makes me happy, because c'mon two times is always better... or three or four, who's counting? any who, I didn't want to get all grouchy about it so I decide to get some hot choco-(yey) from Starbucks... right when I sit down, take out my book... yes, yes. The whole thing falls over, all OVER. whip cream and all... Oh the joy. I screamed Fk my life like 10 times... the Starbucks dude told me not to fuk my life and that it was ok ( i got a free choco)...
Okay I finally got to my dorm! IT IS FREEZING IN THIS HOUSE. I turned on the heater to 80 degrees, and nada... this means I'll be in sweats (2) and a hoody (2) lol... why must this be my life? (yes I'm venting waa waa)
Okay random sht:
The book I'm reading, chick lit my bff said Id love (I love you daze but I don't really like it) Chasing Harry Winston, its like a novela too fluffy Idk but as much as I dislike it I can't put it down, is like a guilty pleasure... GREAT! someone pass me a Peoples history of the United States, FAST. Its cool, I'm going with the chick theme... I was coaxed into watching How to lose a guy in 10 days & The sisterhood of the traveling pants 2... I guess I went wild.
I'm having issues with how honest I can be about my feelings, I think one of my new years resolutions will be to be less open and more nonchalant... mysterious? ... hmmm.
Okay 2 more weeks and then NYC all the way... yey.
Fan Star
p.s. I played out Usher Trading places & The Dey- Taken (I know I'm random)