okay so I drank coffee and soda and like these letters my whole body was jittery today... but you know what? it did its job, I wrote that damn paper and handed it in with a big smile on my face... As much as I dreaded reading all that material on public opinion and what scholar's think about the mass public and how the media manipulates common folk... I actually learned a lot. I was mentally stimulated, how nice.
And then my professor breaks us up into groups and tells us to discuss if Obama has a mandate... if he has or will have the support of people.. anywho, this sht gets this conversation going in my group about the current economic issues that we are faced with. Now these girls in my group are middle class upper class females rockin' the most expensive stuff and here they are talking about how their parents are losing money in their 401ks (mami doesn't have that), how they can't afford to go out how they used to (I haven't been able to go out like I use to in months)...
So I'm like if these girls are fked, where does that leave me? I don't have the privileges they do... I had to work extra hard to go to school and to stay in it, and I already have to work against being a female and a Latina to land a regular job... so now its 10 times harder? I might as well walk with bricks on my back...
This is my fkin issue, and call me angry bc im just upset, where did the achievable American dream go? You have so many companies going bankrupt, losing millions in their 3quarter profits... you got cosmogirl shutting down... fkin banks needed the bailout... Gov. Paterson talking about hes going to cut major funding for things like HEOP which is how I got to go to this private institution... that is UPSETTING. So the rest of the NY state kids that come from low income places don't even have a shot at the education I'm getting... What about MY PEOPLE? FROM LOS BARRIOS? QUE SE JODAN? Anger doesn't begin to cover it.
How do I not become a statistic when thats where I'm being pushed...
I'm going to have to push back...
This is why sometimes I wish I was in simpler times, where I didn't have to be so socially and politically aware (not to say I'm one of the elites that claims to know it all)... but back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore... but some days... I sit and wish I was a kid again...
Thank goodness for me being stubborn and not giving up on the ideology that things will eventually get better, if you read up on your history this isn't the first time that the sht hits the fan... so while the cold wind blows, I'll keep myself wrapped around a warm blanket and pray... porque papa dios es grande.
por mi madre que si.
*-Fan Star-*
listen to julieta venegas... she puts me in a good mood.
And then my professor breaks us up into groups and tells us to discuss if Obama has a mandate... if he has or will have the support of people.. anywho, this sht gets this conversation going in my group about the current economic issues that we are faced with. Now these girls in my group are middle class upper class females rockin' the most expensive stuff and here they are talking about how their parents are losing money in their 401ks (mami doesn't have that), how they can't afford to go out how they used to (I haven't been able to go out like I use to in months)...
So I'm like if these girls are fked, where does that leave me? I don't have the privileges they do... I had to work extra hard to go to school and to stay in it, and I already have to work against being a female and a Latina to land a regular job... so now its 10 times harder? I might as well walk with bricks on my back...
This is my fkin issue, and call me angry bc im just upset, where did the achievable American dream go? You have so many companies going bankrupt, losing millions in their 3quarter profits... you got cosmogirl shutting down... fkin banks needed the bailout... Gov. Paterson talking about hes going to cut major funding for things like HEOP which is how I got to go to this private institution... that is UPSETTING. So the rest of the NY state kids that come from low income places don't even have a shot at the education I'm getting... What about MY PEOPLE? FROM LOS BARRIOS? QUE SE JODAN? Anger doesn't begin to cover it.
How do I not become a statistic when thats where I'm being pushed...
I'm going to have to push back...
This is why sometimes I wish I was in simpler times, where I didn't have to be so socially and politically aware (not to say I'm one of the elites that claims to know it all)... but back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore... but some days... I sit and wish I was a kid again...
Thank goodness for me being stubborn and not giving up on the ideology that things will eventually get better, if you read up on your history this isn't the first time that the sht hits the fan... so while the cold wind blows, I'll keep myself wrapped around a warm blanket and pray... porque papa dios es grande.
por mi madre que si.
*-Fan Star-*
listen to julieta venegas... she puts me in a good mood.
You better start practecing Alchemy homie... For real... you'll see the world through different eyes...
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