What a Tuesday! crazy. No, not like I found a 20 dollar bill on the floor (that would have been awesome). More like I managed to pull off another paper, and some of it was pulled out my... because it was one of those papers where you get to the fourth page and you have no idea what else to write about... so you start to look for loose ends to tie up and hopefully after double spacing it, you might make the five page limit... sometimes I feel like this college education makes me lazy... lazy to learn... because I'm learning a whole mess of sht I don't wanna learn, that may be useful in my future or it may not (shout out to Stats, a waste of my life)... and I would like it if I was learning things that I want to learn, things like the socio-economic issues that urban cities are faced with... or cultural Diasporas... I'm sure there are minors and majors like that, and maybe this school does offer it but now is a little too late... to study it here that is...
So I'm taking Documentary film and today we got to discuss the films we watched for our papers and I am so ready to go to blockbuster and rent some of these suckers... the only documentary I've ever watched was Palate Siempre Palante on the young lords movement (shout out to LSU) and that film completely moved me... I came out of the room wanting to grab some picket signs and rock a beret... man sometimes I wish I was around during the civil rights movement... this generation is not motivated at all, except of course by $$... greed... sounds like a novela. Anywho, so some docs i want to view! : Grizzly man, Jesus Camp, Bowling for columbine... lets see how that goes.
So I'm taking a screenwriting class, by far my favorite class of the semester... yet another way to express myself, and I am now starting to write the first act of my film... exciting... I am fkin psyched. When I finish the whole screenplay I'll be sure to buy a 5 dollar bottle of wine and celebrate. I don't have a title yet, but the protagonists name is Mikaela.
So me and my girl-friend are talking about umm sex. Its one of those topics that I recently find fun to talk about. Anywho, we are discussing why it is that men can go around talking about it and its totally fine and us women have to speak about it on the hush... like we are less of a lady if we do... Honestly, I took an aim poll (yes an aim poll) and the 10 guys that responded don't think is a bad thing if the girl initiates the whole shagging situation... My whole issue is that lets say I like a guy, like I'm really into him, and then... lol let me shut up I think I've said too much.
So no matter how old I get, having someone new to talk to still gets me all bubbly... super fruit cake of me... but hey I'm human. Let me rock. Getting that phone call puts me in a good mood. I dont think others realize how easy it is to put a smile on my face. But to those that do, thank you.
p.s. Winter is here! I want to have a snowball fight, kiss under the snow, make a snow angel, make a snow man, dress in white snow, watch snow white...see a theme?
What a Tuesday! crazy. No, not like I found a 20 dollar bill on the floor (that would have been awesome). More like I managed to pull off another paper, and some of it was pulled out my... because it was one of those papers where you get to the fourth page and you have no idea what else to write about... so you start to look for loose ends to tie up and hopefully after double spacing it, you might make the five page limit... sometimes I feel like this college education makes me lazy... lazy to learn... because I'm learning a whole mess of sht I don't wanna learn, that may be useful in my future or it may not (shout out to Stats, a waste of my life)... and I would like it if I was learning things that I want to learn, things like the socio-economic issues that urban cities are faced with... or cultural Diasporas... I'm sure there are minors and majors like that, and maybe this school does offer it but now is a little too late... to study it here that is...
So I'm taking Documentary film and today we got to discuss the films we watched for our papers and I am so ready to go to blockbuster and rent some of these suckers... the only documentary I've ever watched was Palate Siempre Palante on the young lords movement (shout out to LSU) and that film completely moved me... I came out of the room wanting to grab some picket signs and rock a beret... man sometimes I wish I was around during the civil rights movement... this generation is not motivated at all, except of course by $$... greed... sounds like a novela. Anywho, so some docs i want to view! : Grizzly man, Jesus Camp, Bowling for columbine... lets see how that goes.
So I'm taking a screenwriting class, by far my favorite class of the semester... yet another way to express myself, and I am now starting to write the first act of my film... exciting... I am fkin psyched. When I finish the whole screenplay I'll be sure to buy a 5 dollar bottle of wine and celebrate. I don't have a title yet, but the protagonists name is Mikaela.
So me and my girl-friend are talking about umm sex. Its one of those topics that I recently find fun to talk about. Anywho, we are discussing why it is that men can go around talking about it and its totally fine and us women have to speak about it on the hush... like we are less of a lady if we do... Honestly, I took an aim poll (yes an aim poll) and the 10 guys that responded don't think is a bad thing if the girl initiates the whole shagging situation... My whole issue is that lets say I like a guy, like I'm really into him, and then... lol let me shut up I think I've said too much.
So no matter how old I get, having someone new to talk to still gets me all bubbly... super fruit cake of me... but hey I'm human. Let me rock. Getting that phone call puts me in a good mood. I dont think others realize how easy it is to put a smile on my face. But to those that do, thank you.
p.s. Winter is here! I want to have a snowball fight, kiss under the snow, make a snow angel, make a snow man, dress in white snow, watch snow white...see a theme?
yo you should write a blog about sex and sex only... fuck it...
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