(Listening to Marc Anthony- estoy enamorado... I'm not the dj)
So I came to VA and although I wasn't thrilled about the actual trip (as in I actually looked like I had fume coming out of my ears as I packed and my mom smiled to herself for her victory) I'm actually glad I came... I know I know what a holiday movie.
I haven't seen my cousins in a while, and it was dope as hell to just hang out with them and catch up on new things (i.e. jobs, school, local bizz and of course boys... I come from a family of women... except for like my one 17 year old cousin/lil bro, who btw we already warned about bringing some crappy girl to meet us... ahy mama) so yea... this was the trip
"Fanny! adonde e que vamo? e aqui?"--- my oldest aunt driving me crazy at port authority trynna figure out where the hell the bus departed from...
"Yo so listen to this song, is old school Run dmc"--- my cus manny trying to keep me entertained on the 5 hr bus ride (i dont have a damn ipod)...
"Ok I'll dye your hair.. but can i do what I want??"--- my cus karyl after she started mixing sht in the bathroom... its def different haha
"Mirenme!!"--- mami dancing reggea on the floor... I told her if I ever get married, shes not invited I'll be getting an actress to cover for her...
"Pero coge suing ada!"...."WOOHOOO"--- my aunt and the rest of them screaming for mami as she played boxing on nintendo Wii...
So to say the least it has been quite the time... too many jokes, and a lot of me wanting to pull my hair out... but I guess you have to make the best of it. Even if I could change the family I'm part of, I wouldn't... not even for one second.
arent you glad you listened to me!?
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