I officially feel like a grown a$$ person... why you ask?!.... its 10:48 pm and I am still at work... OH YEA.
But on the bright side, a lot of work has gotten done and that makes me smile... no? just me? jeje.
Talk about sucking it up and missing some hours of sleep. This weekend I was a walking zombie and I must admit I got really cranky... yes, gasp, I am one of those people who will get real (como se dice) Bitchy, if I'm running on 2 hours of sleep for 2 days... But like I said I sucked it up... sort of how I'm doing right now. It is nights like this that make me think that maybe I should be like a guy and have the side dish friend who has an apartment and who I can call at ummm 10:48 pm and say something like, "Yo, bro, ummm... can I crash on your bed? or umm the couch will do too.." ha. But! since I am not one of those (como se dice) hoochie woochies, I just pick up the phone and call my MJ and say something like, "Yo, bro, ummm... can I crash on your bed?" (seriously, thats what I said)... Thank goodness for sisters that live in all boroughs... TDTD.
I saw two movies this weekend that go so well with this theme of Valentines day... Hes just not that into you, and What love is... So the first one I'm sure you heard of, or saw plastered on the side of a bus as you walked to work (unless you drive, which in that case I already hate you). First off, to all the Scarletts out there shame on you. Ah this movie made me go through so many emotions...
Cheating, it is not something I tolerate. And I don't understand how people do it to each other, that's horrible... shame on you... Karma. thats all I gotta say.
It reminded me how hard it is to date and how nerve wrecking it is to put yourself out there only to get treated like crap. You know how many times I allowed guys to be assholes to me? good thing I grew out of that stage, with the exception of some recent glitches... which I cleared out of my system... Ahy no, mejor sola que mal acompanada.
The second movie spoke about the 11th man theory... haha I loved this one. So this is how the theory goes: 10 men are in a room going wild over one girl, one is buying her drinks the other is lighting her cig etc. The 11th man comes in, says hey, and turns his back to her... he pays her no mind. Which guy do you think she wants?? And so you see, it is of human nature to want what you can't have... the more you push away the more you are desired.
Watch both movies, the second gives the romantic issues from a group of mens points of views... dig it. Who said that guys don't talk about girls and their emotions?! ... if a man doesn't, thats a clear call for INSECURITY... ah, someday I'll meet a real man... or not... or maybe I already did and I just need to give him a real chance... the possibilities are endless... but in this moment in time, love is over rated.
Fav quotes:
When the need to make the person you love happy exceeds your own... thats when you know you are in love.
The best way to get over someone is to get under someone