So... I was at the gym had a great work out... walked into the locker room and. TADA. Naked women EVERYWHERE. Not that I have a huge problem with that but then... THEN. I walked into the bathroom area and TADA! a lady was BENT OVER and I got to see all the cracks that connect to the infinite hole of life... SERIOUSLY?? no no wait.
oh lord sweet Jesus. and then.
I am washing my face in the sink, I look up and ... you've guessed it TADA! an older African American woman NAKED I mean her Vjay out and all trying to have a conversation with me...
I couldn't laugh, so I just nodded and walked to my locker.
Is it as awkward for guys??? I'm I crazy?
En paz... the girl that wants to walk around with a blind fold.
OOOOHHH man this was too funny... I can't stop laugh... wait I can't stop laughing...wwwoooo that was good.
its only awkward when dudes may be bent over.
No you are not crazy.
I went to Spa castle and and the population that uses the facility is an international one. Asians, whites, europeans, africans, blacks, my dominican ass....
and it was vajajay galore. OMG AWKWARD. Not cool. And they walk around like nothing. No Catholic guilt instilled in them! (shudders)
and if you walk around with a blind fold, you'll eventually walk into a wall :)
Hmmm well I have the same problem. It's like they know what... I don't care anymore...who cares if they see my shrivled...well you get the idea,
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