I've been running around like a mad woman since I came back from school... and today I finally had a down day and I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't want to shop, I didn't want to eat... I didn't want to do anything, and yet at the same time I found it irritating not to have something to do... a party, a night out, a date. Is that odd? Or I'm I once again a normal Latina living in NYC. I am trying to make career moves, and all I can say is that I am really excited about the possibilities that seem to be arising. I guess sometimes I am at the right place at the right time. I went to a greek step show and I truly miss being on stage, dancing, performing... maybe I'll get back into the groove of things.. (oh man, who uses groove any more... estoy vieja). For the first time in months I am romantically BORED. Grr... ok ok not a big deal. The new street fighter game came out, and although I played it for 15 seconds I secretly loved it... dig it. Okay back to the lab... Con tranquilidad. Fan-jizzy
I dig it. I find myself in that "rut" if you can call it that, from time to time. I guess the fast paced life we're used to leading becomes addicting.
Romantically bored?!?! I don't think I've heard anyone say that.
aaaahhh the new street fighter game! I have played it yet. I should get to it since its getting high praises.
I can beat you in street fighter IV.. wanna bet??
lmao i suck at all games, i play by pushing all buttons and moving my control all over the place... so I bet you can win too.
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