How is it that guys who are raised by women and have sisters and a strong mother treat women with such little respect. I must have broken a mirror or something because 80% of the guys that I have met since 2007 have fallen into this category. Really, just amazing. And then guys complain about women who are high maintenance and bitchy, mean while they can't appreciate someone who is laid back and considerate... who understands? haha not me. Not that I care too much bc I would rather be dolo and happy than with a guy that makes me feel insignificant. I'm mentioning it bc it seems to be the current epidemic with a lot of my girlfriends. But again, it is all a process of elimination... if its not A,B,C, or D.. it might just be the secret answer _________.
I went on a recent date with a guy in his 30's and he sparked up the sex conversation. He said that guys will always jump to this subject if the girl allows him to. Okay true. Then he went to say that most guys will just be looking for that. I said, Okay. I am okay if that's what the guy wants. If that makes him happy, then GREAT. But this is the wrong tree to bark up on. Why is sex such a big deal when you are just getting to know someone? Are we not in a period of time where people catch all sorts of things for being promiscuous? Damn I must be in a dark room trying to light a match. What I also mentioned was that this dating thing would be much easier if the guy just stated what he was ultimately looking for from the beginning, then we can cut all the awkward moments, first conversations and pretending. The guy could go on his conquest like a true Casanova and those of us looking for substance can do just that... Maybe I just think of things way too simplistic... hmmm.
Men, they come and go like seasons.
Aprende y pon atencion.
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