Friday, April 3, 2009


Weather ... Sucks... Why is it raining? Can't it rain at the wee hours of the morning when no one is out and we are all sleeping? Darn It. so I go to lunch here at work (first time I eat in the caf) and I felt socially awkward. I felt like I was once again a 6th grader with the really ugly big glasses that are now in style (go figure I was years ahead of the game/ not surprised haha). So everyone has their own click, I quickly grabbed a chicken salad samich and ran back to my sanctuary of a desk... Ah peace. =)


beWILDerin_lyfe said...

LMAO... Your sanctuary is missing a very (If I do say so myself) important piece. The ball is on your court.

I hope the chicken salad was good.