Thats the text I got from a friend... I'm like, its Thursday... and he shot back by saying "and? you start working and you become a home body?"... I must put up a good show if people think I am ALWAYS out and about... I actually enjoy being in my bed comfy (will enjoy it more once I move out)... but still, that caught me off guard... I'm not a big fan of going out on weekdays because I get to work and all I wanna do is WAAA.
Anywho, I must vent, and not to put someone on blast but I must vent...must...vent... The person who told me I wasn't diddy and therefor had no right in not returning the calls and text decides to contact me again this past weekend to start yet another argument stating that all he did was demand a phone call ( I didnt entertain the conversation after this, someone who demands from anyone is just crazy--- seriously?) anywho... the person shows up at my job today. yes. I was freaking out. I'm sorry, but under the circumstances why... let me just leave it that. Guys, please don't do this. Even if you mean well the girl is not gonna think this is sane... just add an in at the front.
I didn't get out of work until late, and then the train ride was even better.
I sit... oh joy. And 10 secs later the Mexican man next to me who wreaked of alcohol starts to fall asleep on me... for the next 15 mins the lady who was on his other side and myself went back and forth elbowing him...he wouldn't wake up. AT ALL. Everyone in the car who could see was laughing. Thankfully I moved to another seat across from Sleepy and when the wagon jerked forward he flew to the seat, that would have been my lap... (shudders) ah.
The little girl in front of me got a kick out of the whole scene, so I couldn't help but laugh.
After a long, random, crazy and uncomfortable day at work some laughter was much appreciated.
I'm glad tomorrow is Friday and I'm looking forward to this weekend.
Yea..that just happened.
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