why do people see other people with expiration dates? ... if he/she doesn't work out, there is plenty more...
where is plenty more? ... you need to go here, there, every where...
why only when its convenient for you?
why do we get hooked on this but not on that..right, stuff that is?
Why do i write so much gibberish?
why is it easier to fall asleep when you have someone next to you than when you're alone?
why does that feeling exist?
why are you reading this?
why can't I forget the smell of Spain when I arrived at the airport 5 years ago and saw my dad?
why is it that the proximity of your skin against me raises the hairs on my back and makes me twitch before you put your lips on mine?
why do i have to try, but you dont?
why can't I fast forward through all the b.s. and stop at all the happy moments?
why did i meet him... and i'm yet to meet you?
why can't you get my sarcasm?
why do I have so many questions on my mind... with no one to answer?
I'd like to follow your soliloquy with one of my own if you don't mind.
Why are people selfish?
Why do men seek polygamy when most of the time we can't handle A SINGLE WOMAN!
Why do men play games?
Why do women play hard to get?
Why are we always trying to change something about our "significant" others?
How come people can't handle the truth?
We always hear "I want someone real"or "I want to experience real love." If we are trying to change those little things we dont like then we are not our REAL selves anymore!
Why have un-answered questions? as you said well why not? This gives us a WHY to look forward to another day. Perhaps tomorrow we'll find an answer and definitely more questions!
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