I want to share my weekend with you all because I feel that we often focus on the bad or the small intances that might break through our state of happiness and let it spread far too quick...
I spent my Saturday w/ my very close and very sweet sister Zuzu--- and this was by mere luck, because if it weren't for her my Saturday would have been quite plain (so thank you Zuzu for helping my night be memorable)... we went to El Museo del Barrio and saw a bit of the screening for Soledad O'Brien's documentary Latino in America (airing this wed! watch it), I got the chance to see her and hear her speak after the screening was over, and I have to say this lady is truly an inspiration to me as a Latina. She spoke so well and carried herself in a matter that most women either dont care for or never had a chance to acquire. I'm really excited to see what Latino in America entails and how it will portray mi gente to the rest of America, lets hope it is as successful as Black in America. Even if it was produced and done with a different point of view... maybe this leads CNN to have more pieces like this: she said that people have approached her about Gay in America, Poverty in America, Education in America --- maybe I'll pick up a cam and film something for the masses some day --- Jmo included.
After listening to Soledad Z and I went about our way exploring Spanish Harlem... lets just say it was interesting. The night ended with dinner and some free Sangria @ Sofrito (Thank you to the owner of the restaurant for the shots and drinks)--- Neo was there and so was Stephon Marbury, whom I must say seems a little out of whack... maybe sitting this season out has him a little crazy. Anyway, something nice happened: a handsome stranger managed to keep my attention for most of the night, not with corny lines and Casanova moves, but with intelligent words--- about politics, cultural issues, travel etc etc... so, what I'm saying is if you find yourself in a social setting, dont go in with the expectation of "bagging numbers" rather go in with the hope that you get to have a decent conversation with someone... I know, I'm so easily pleased...
Sunday morning wasn't what I expected, but it made me realize that as a female who tends to complain about the idiocies of men I should always say what I mean when I'm feeling it, because letting that stuff build up is not cool... and since people aren't mind readers you should let them know "the deal". I realized that I truly cant STAND rudeness of any sort, because on a basic human level it just isnt right... and most importantly I would like to advice mi gente that empty apologies for the same things shouldn't simply be accepted and dismissed. Treat others as you want to be treated---- mami said it, hallmark said it, now I'm saying it.
I got to do brunch with Yuvi---whom I love--- and a friend who we met in Costa Rica this summer... it was interesting because in CR we were all about fun, and to be honest I didn't expect that I would keep in touch with any of the fellas we met in CR... but I did, and I'm glad for it. He was as handsome as I remember him (haha) and through our conversation he said something that I never really thought of, (of course it was about relationships) he said that what is most important is CONSISTENCY... and I said wow, you are so right. People get together and start off one way and 6 months down the line (if you're lucky) you're like where is the person I liked? So lesson #3--- be consistant. If you're going to open the door the first date, dont stop doing it... the little things are the ones that keep a relationship going... dont tell me I'm beautiful once a month, thats ridiculous...
By the end of the night Yuvi and I had walked around, discussed the battle that some of us women are faced with even at our young age (success/education/respect vs. being obedient and "keeping" a man--- which will be my next blog), laughed harder than most days, and watched The Soloist (great movie btw).... my ride home (1 to the A to the D to the F) was also memorable. A mix of random people, a handsome ( HANDSOME) black man, a little boy happy like the day of xmas because he had a doughnut in his hand, a stare down that turned into the nicest smile ever received, and a business card from a makeup arist (Yves Saint Lauren 34th St).... I took the whole weekend as a sign that I am growing as a woman, as a Latina, as an individual... and that hopefully this growth is leading me to better things as this new year creeps up on us... a toast to 2010.