I swear this weather is not ATTRACTIVE. I need to learn how to drive so I can ride in mamis carrito and me and my girls don't have to suffer the infinite journeys on the trains. But! I must say the funniest things happen on the train!
Saturday night: me dari and mj
1. we see a bum quickly and swiftly reaching into a garbage can and running off with his treasure ... did i mention he had a cape? dari said that he was probably a warlock... I agree, its the only reasonable explanation.
Entonces. Since Friday we just stayed in and watched random youtube videos , shout out to the crybaby! haha. We made sat. a full blown lets just try this thing we did in the summer night.
There was the stroll step show, shout out to my stroll team who killed it on stage... and of course my favorite part was standing for 3 hours on heels. =) I love when my feet are swollen. Anyjuey, then .. THEN... we go to Gngs, where me and dari lari were followed around by the cougers.
couger: male or female who is older ... old-er than 40s ...ha... ha.
that was an experience to say the least...
Although there is no work tomorrow... and it is picture perfect out... tonight is a movie night. Go watch slumdog millionare, it deserved every award it got. I swear, life is ironic and i believe in fate. For all the realistic cynics out there, don't watch it. It might melt your heart.
And as a last thought- from a conversation that left me thinking... "the word consideration does not exist in a prideful mans dictionary... "
you had a very funny day.. lol... why didnt i get those jokes before?
"consideration" doesnt exist in many places
I do NOT remember the homeless person with the cape! dude...u forgot one comment of the evening:
(at 3 am on the 1 train slightly saucy...Points at strangers...)"WAIT! Does anyone have any reading material?! It's going to be a long ride!"
Gotta love it DJ, gotta love it.
"Consideration isn't noticed in many places"- Me
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