I'm a super friggin dork! we got to organize all the books that were apparently hidden in this dungeon (it looked just like a dungeon with a small midget door and all) and as I went through the 10's of books, I couldn't stop thinking of how amazing it would have been to have had all these books at my disposal when I was younger. It saddens me to see that kids don't take advantage of reading. If there is one thing I hope my children get from me (aside from my humor) is the passion for reading and writing! (I am not good at math, so to all my future ex boyfriends who might possibly be my future partner and father of the curly haired freckled faced children I will give birth to (breath) I hope you have the ultimate math gene).
Whats for dinner?!
I went to dinner with my male best friend... this dude is cooler than the 80s. I absolutely love catching up with him. Its like taking a time machine and talking about old times ... (put your seat belt on and keep your hands inside at all times)
Sophomore year of college:
I had the bright idea of visiting him, and so I go all dressed with my tighter than life jeans and some black boots with the leather (ah yes, the leather) hair super curly... you catch my drift. I enter his school like the super nova just hit, and of course the crowd motivator I start to talk to all his friends. Everyone was sitting around a small wooden table playing domino's, and they pull me in the game... (did I mention we dated in h.s?) anyjuey... his friends start asking questions and I start being obnoxiously loud saying that if and when he gets a serious girlfriend, she needs to be twice as fly as me with green eyes and the measurements only Ms Universe would have... (did I mention he did have a gf but I didn't know she existed?!) ... ahem... shorty with the extra pounds and the brown eyes stands next to him...glaring...smoke coming out of her ears... and what does my best friend do? Smile. Shaking his head. Lets just say that didn't end well.
Well come to find out he called her by my name once in a conversation... and this is why I only have a handful of girlfriends. But I was flattered... lets just say that didn't end well either.
But better than stories and catching up, was reflecting. He told me of a friend he has who is in a coma, and goodness that slapped me across the face... with life once again. Yes I am currently content with how things are turning out... but not completely satisfied. Thinking about this girl being in a coma makes me think of how I may possibly be wasting away my talents, as if they too were put in a coma for the time being.
One liner: Men ...Women... talk. Not at each other. With! each! other!. My goodness, when did it become so hard to keep it "real"? Don't say you are "blunt" when you are really NOT. Stop thinking that by ignoring a situation you are sparing someones feelings, NO, you are simply delaying the outcome and frustrating the other individual....
I must be too mature for my age.
And since I've been thinking about some of the men in my life (thanks to another SntC episode)
Thank you ...to...
My first boyfriend for showing me that a guy can cry...
My last boyfriend for showing me that sometimes you just have to let go...
My Mr.Big for letting me know that the guy I'm with, needs to treat my girlfriends as if they were princess' in my court
My worse date to date for showing me that just bc a guy is good looking doesn't mean you should give him a free pass for being an a-hole
My MC for showing me that a friendship doesn't always transform into a good relationship...romantic that is
My Spaniard for showing me that it is okay to feel comfortable with a handsome man...
My Puerto Rock for introducing me to Puerto Rican men ( a weakness)...
My men in service for allowing me to not only appreciate a man in a uniform, but a man that I can feel safe with...
My Best friend for always making me laugh , and for understanding all the circumstances.
Thank you to all the jerks I have dated, to all the men whose hearts I've broken, to all the guys that broke mine, to the many that will inevitably come...
En carcajadas....
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH u say it so perfectly! Ditto to the entire flippin blog DJ!
Ok... this is officially getting creepy, its like we're on the same thought wavelength. I was just recently thinking about how I've squandered my talents. My reminder was no where near as dramatic and shocking as yours. Nevertheless, I have for a long time noticed my procrastination habit.
Again... thoroughly enjoyed your musing.
- Yo
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