How deep are you?
That's the conversation I had with my mj... but what classifies someone as deep? what is your definition of deep? what may be deep to me may seem simplistic to you... or maybe simplicity is what being deep is all about.
I don't pretend to be something that I am not. I am not google, I don't know it all. I am not athletic, I can't put the ball in the hoop for the life of me, I can't be graceful all the time, I love to jump on my bed and sing at the top of my lungs. I'm not a push over, but I love to see a smile on someones face.I love to live. To the fullest. So once again, the thought of someone writing me off as something I am not without really getting to know me pisses me off. yes, I get angry. But now I know that I have to be okay with that, because not everyone is as opened minded as me. Not everyone is willing to be honest with themselves and with others. Not everyone is as laid back and willing to let fate do its part.
I can't control what people think of me, or the way certain people may treat me (even if I didn't deserve that treatment to begin with...)but I can start to control the my "nice sweet" actions and whom I offer them to. I am not psychic so I can't always foresee who might be a jerk/a-hole, but you know what? the older I get the easier it is to deal with the circumstances I find myself in.
So I ask you again... how deep are you? because if you are truly deep (my opinion) you should be able to move past the immediate image and get to know the person within.
What an enigma.
Fan Star.
song: Alejandro sanz y shakira- te lo agradezco pero no
i think you forget one thing... we're not always gonna be in control of everything...
that's right. which is why I'm learning to be okay with that too.
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