I fell asleep with a whole mess of things on my mind... but woke up with one. How do I continue to explore the possibility of becoming a writer? That idea seems to be running endlessly on a wheel, like a hamster does through his day. Maybe I wont be this amazing writer known by an array of individuals from different corners of the world, I'm not asking to be Mr. Marquez, but then again I'm not doing it because I want glory. I'm doing it because I enjoy it, and lord knows if I do impact one persons life it makes a difference in mine.
Soul Mates
Right before I end my 100 chats with different friends, one of them begins to talk to me about Soul Mates. Here we go. I was too tired to get into the conversation, a conversation that I am sure would take me this and another 2 lifetimes to finish... but as I get into bed and decide to keep my eyes open for the sake of Sex and the City (gasp! a guilty pleasure), what was the topic of the episode?! A RING A DING... Soul Mates. I shook my head and looked above me, Dios, she must really want me to pay attention to this topic. Maybe some of you believe Carrie to be a ridiculous character, but whomever wrote her dialogue was on to something...
"Are soul mates real, or just a device to torture yourself?" "If you fall in love and it doesn't work out is he/she just a runner up for this thing called a fairy tale?"
Conchale, mi gente. To discuss this we need to talk about love. friendship. honesty. history... everything... life! what is a soul mate, a true one? can you have more than one? can you go on through this and many other lives waiting to find.meet.encounter.merely brush hands with, your soul mate? how do you know?
All I can say, is that yes I believe (at least I want to) in soul mates. I want to believe in love. In true friendship. In the idea that happiness will continue to exist within me even if it doesn't always surround me... again I'm going off on a tangent.
It seems that lately I seem to be serving my community in small tastes. I was able to translate to a Dominican mother what a principal, a teacher, and a social worker had to say about her son today. I am thankful for speaking 2 languages. You know what the mother told me? Que dios te lo pague. If she only knew that knowing that I was of help was pay enough.
Este... Did you see Che? If you didn't you need to... I saw the first half today and well lets just say I was one happy jolly rancher. The movie was amazingly edited. Black and White to color was refreshing. Benicio del Toro was DOPE as in I will have his children and bring him his slippers DOPE (hay and I'm not docile). The guy who played Fidel was bonkers, this guy knew his mannerisms from the index finger loop he does as he speaks to the pulling of his beard...it was uncanny. If I would have been around in 1959 I would have been madly in love with Che, simply a brilliant man who was MSUNDERSTOOD. One of the things he said that is still hanging onto my mind like a swing from a play ground is...
"A true Revolutionary is not only found in combat..."
Y entonces... maybe I am not at war, but maybe just maybe I can be the beginning to my own revolution.
Fan Star
Ok first let me say that you have to stop putting your spies at my window. I was actually putting some thoughts on paper about Love.Life mates v. Soul mates etc, etc. I must confess I did enjoy Sex and the City, though I wasn't posted to my TV when it aired weekly. The movie besides the underlying racism and materialism was quite good actually.
Are soul mates real? quite interesting question more philosophical than it may lead you to think. My take? I think NOT, if there is a soul mate then you would be inevitably brought together by the supernatural forces of the universe, why? because its your soul mate, meant to be together no?
We can go on and on about this, perhaps someday on a real conversation as opposed to my comments on your blog.
Che!!! Yes I have also seen the first part, it was a great movie although I think Benicio needed to work on his Argentinian accent. Other than that amazing mopic.
Speaking two languages is in your words 'dope' being Latino,however, super seeds just speaking two languages. (and yes some of us 2nd and 3rd generation latinos need to get on our grind with the spanish)
I get confused with a "gringo" often son when I do speak spanish its like they've seen casper (pun intended).
Bilinguals rock!!!
haha if we're going to talk about accents then ill have to complain about ms. saldinas (from maria full of grace) who had the worse cuban accent... tenia que ser colombiana ! (oOoOOo lol jk), no seriously her accent was horrible.
Soul mates... I believe they exist, but then again i believe in reincarnation, which is why you wouldnt find this soul in this life time.
i fell asleep with all sorts of crazy stuff on my mind too.
what if you find your soul mate but your not theirs?
Keep serving your community, I'm proud to call you my DJ.
I'm dying to see Che.
VIVA la revoluciĆ³n, Pa' Lante
one last thing, Next Lifetime by Erykah Badu alludes to your confusion on the soul mate situation and the video says it all, you tube it.
I love this quote: "Happiness will continue to exist within me even if it doesn't always surround me..."
I have to concur with the bad job she did with assimilating the accent. What do you have against Colombians? They're cool peeps.
and lastly Ernesto Guevara also said "At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality."
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