Thursday, January 8, 2009


My friend got me Cien anos de soledad, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez... nobel prize! In Spanish. As in SPANISH. I haven't read a Spanish novel since I was 17... but it goes with my 2009 theme, which is CHALLENGE YOURSELF. I started reading it, and so far, I'm loving it. I have to polish up on my vocab but regardless I am enjoying it.

I'm watching this movie, and the one thing that caught my attention and stuck around my mind was " energy is not lost nor destroyed its just transferred from one party to the next"... I knew this, but in the context that it was being used in the movie... it just made a lot of sense. So I decided to cut out all the negativity that is immediately affecting me, or at least I'm trying to.

I saw my good friend from Cali yesterday and can I just say that a good hug can go a long way, he just gave me an extra boost of (cheesy) energy! tadaaa.

Okay I'm organizing my closet and then the rest of my life... let us see.

Fan Star


Anonymous said...

Hey Chica!!! It's been a long time... I just came across your blog and wanted to say hi! :) Happy New Year! I hope you have a great 09!