Causing me stress. Making me upset when I should be moving forward with this new life that I have been given. ... Let me take a breath and step back so that I don't have to inhale all this venom that seems to pour through your pores. My mans, all that unnecessary yelling is clogging my ears and seriously, even if I can personify this crazy untouchable butterfly, my mind is quite fond of the peace and quiet it has acquired over the past year.
My mother taught me many things, and one was to THINK before you SPEAK. But since I use a pen so much and this keyboard, for me its more of a THINK before you WRITE. I however have an issue with censoring the thoughts that flow through my mind, but then what mami taught me flashes through my peaceful mind... and I start to think... before I write.
Be mindful of others peoples feelings.
It is a problem within a problem since people still don't know how to handle their own feelings, let alone someone elses..
Que problema.
People will not change unless they want to. I will not change unless I choose to. There is always that choice, and it seems to be pushed aside with the excuses created by the feelings that we are yet to understand...
I wake up every morning and thank her for a new day, to live, to grow, to understand my purpose in this world. Everyone says life is what you make of it, so like the Lego's you once played with, go ahead and begin to build the life that you CHOOSE. The life you WANT.
Negativity is this energy created by... you. So if you choose to think it, then you are choosing to feel it.
But you best' believe, that you, can KEEP IT.
Remember that negative thoughts have baggage, and they are usually called misery and drama.
Con Fe. & a bright smile on my Face.
Fan Star.
a smart person once said, never frown, you don't know who's falling in love with your smile.
they dont deserve to c their negativity bare fruit
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