Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Se me prendio el bombillo...

Thinking.Thoughts.Thoughts.Thinking.Observe.Write.Listen.Watch.Look.Touch.Think... that's how my mind works half the time (random sharing)

Day 3 of being okay with what you can control... all day my mind has fluctuated between thinking about the thing I don't want to think about, and forgetting the thing but then reminding myself of it by thinking, HEY CONGRATS YOU DIDN'T THINK ABOUT IT... And THAT thing is this quote by Saul Williams, pg 92 said the shot gun to the head! Read it... ----I'm just rambling on, but I can't help it.

So I am back to being age 5! Pause! ok ok... in the sense that I want to learn it all. I am so curious about, well everything... that catches my senses that is... Y ultimamente se me cogio con masonry. I went to dinner with a good friend (kudos you rock for keeping it funky (haha) ) who is a mason and from what I gathered, I have thus far gained a new respect for the craft. Obviously I don't know it all, and wont be able to since it is a secret society. But from the amount that was exchanged over dinner, I am interested in it enough to appreciate it for what it is (or understood it to be).

And so what I CAN control at this point in time is the amount of information I take in, as well as from the sources I choose to take them from. I think its important to actively seek out the answers (or attempt to at least)... rambling on again so I'll stop.

As I sat in a coffee shop on this cold day, and looked at all the unfamiliar faces around me, I just wondered, what does everyone else seek? you must seek different things at different stages of your life (not with age, stages)... what do YOU seek?

"And so it is of human life the goal to seek, forever seek, the kindred soul"- Jose Marti

Be your own Estrella Fugaz.


beWILDerin_lyfe said...

So it seems we may have somewhat similar thought patterns, mine would be more like (Thought, Thought, divergent Thought, Observe, Thinking, Writ...different thought, finish writing first thought, back to new thought...[lot of fragments unfortunately]...observe, obsersve) ;)

Masonry huh? wow great I have to say kudos to you not very many ladies do have a clue or have even heard of masonry, let alone have a curiosity for it. Perhaps your friend mentioned OES (Order of the Easter Star). OES is somewhat of a female version of masonry, however, as per a source found in a masonic libary; OES was established more to keep women at bay from the craft rather than sharing it.

I too am seeking some illumination on my own before even considering joining the brotherhood, there are many ideas and notions flying around, hence a sense of apprehension on my behalf.

I like you enclosing quote, I particularly like the author of the quote and I leave you with another quote from Jose Julian Marti Perez that I think you may enjoy.

"Others go to bed with their mistresses; I with my ideas" - Jose Marti

and a bonus...

"It is important to make virtue fashionable."- Jose Marti

Yari Blanco said...

haha dope.

Yes he mentioned OES... and I can see why you would be aprehensive about it, but look into it as much as you can.

I love the first quote... I guess me and Marti had something in common.

ItWontMakeSense said...

...and if you don't seek- what have you found?...

unfamiliar faces...what a blessing!