Let me share my summer dating thus far, maybe you learn something new from it or perhaps you laugh it off as I've been doing... I'll give cliff notes.
There was white boy with swag, totally dope on so many levels. We could talk for hours about basketball or the discovery channel. He was into random events and didn't mind my Erykah Badu-ness.... and then there was his ex. Who was not really an ex, yet she was... but no wait, she wasnt... so what was it?
(File under: Pseudo Connection)
Then there was the Puerto Rican, totally opposite from the other Puerto Rican. Maybe thats why I was attracted to him... hmmm. Tough on the outside sweet behind curtains. I still don't understand why it is men like to pretend to be anything but real... Aspiring emcee, angry about something or the other--I forget... He didn't understand why I liked all things to be positive but learned to roll with my hippie-ness...(Shifty Eyes) I'll blame it on my weakness for that accent.
(File under: It happens)
There was also the date that spoke about gas,vomiting and poop during dinner (hmmm classy)... there was the one who went from being sweet and funny to loud obnoxious and vulgar in a matter of 20 minutes (this was at a diner, with another couple---I love live novelas, don't you?)... we had the cheap one who complained about everything in sight (in particular at an event he invited himself to... ) and the "wtf just happened" continues--trust...
I've had the short, the bald, the tall the conceited, the mean the confused the overly emotional (for all the wrong reasons), the too comfortable too soon, the I think I know it all so don't dare challenge me, the past lovers who are trying to make a comeback, the obviously lying... and they are all emotionally unavailable. (laugh with me)
I'm not complaining, trust me I am better off than plenty of women my age... but, just laugh with me...
I'll share a recent encounter, which was very ironic.
Last week as I'm getting ready to meet up with some of my favorite women, my two aunts and mother are having a conversation on men (yap yap yap women need new topics--haha look @ me with this blog, hush! and read). So they're discussing the different benefits of dating white, black and latino men. I wont get into details because the conversation was borderline hysterical and a tad offensive (plus I can't share all they say, I won't be allowed back into the triangle of trust)... Entonces, at the end of the conversation my 2 cents were that it doesn't matter what race nor what nationality or shade of color the man is, it boils down to his education/manners/life stage/respect for females... etc etc etc.
Fast forward to the evening, I find myself at this restaurant in midtown with my girlfriends. Good vibes are all in the air and by the end of the night a conversation is sparked between myself and a very handsome tall well established Irish/English man---however in his words, he was the "ultimate white boy"... ok.
Conversation is great (check). Humor is wonderful (check). Attraction (check, check, check). All was well in cupids eyes, contact information was exchanged and then the end.... right? NOT quite. The "ultimate white boy" decided to continue the conversation through text, and within the first 10 minutes of the conversation he asked me to join him back at his place (and thats me putting it in a sweet way), I of course declined multiple times (yes, multiple).
The moral of my story is, it doesn't matter that he was white and well off, his class was lacking. At no point did I give the hint or the green light that I wanted to go home with him. Not even my outfit was inviting. Like my MJ told me, "men have one formula and they apply it across the board, unfortunately it will work on one girl more than once"... I'm not saying white men are scumbags, I am saying that all men are capable of being it.
Haci que, ojo! Watch yourself ladies! And men, same goes for you... I see the vultures with their claws out all the time... Hay mi madre, que generacion.
In good humor (and honesty)...