Sunday, January 11, 2009

Limon y sal......

Sunday. Don't you love Sundays? I met up with my Mj aka Yuvs. in Manjatan and went on a hunt for pants on sale ... haha, listen, I am NOT cheap at all, trust me. However, unless you are living under amethyst rock then you should be on my boat... the ---I need to be economically stable and not spend on unnecessary things- boat. Anywho, great finds.

Entonces fast forward to the evening. We got to sitting and talking, I swear this woman gives me so much perspective on life, so we spoke about (drum roll) relationships! tada! It was actually a continuation of another conversation we were having, and well it was quite enlightening. It gave me an idea for another chapter of the book I will start to write sometime this year.

I just want to share some of the things that were said through the conversation, and maybe you gals and boys can agree with us or maybe you wont... or maybe you will gain some new insight, or maybe you will cast us aside and think you know it all--- as many of us young people seem to think (oh the madness).

- Okay, all the guys you have dated (or girls) have ONE common factor, YOU. And so, maybe you need to evaluate yourself, because even if they approached you (as in kicked game etc) you still had to choose them right back. Entonces, take a closer look at these men, that's key. Yes you may be dating new people, but they are recycled. TRUST.
- When you are considerate you are taken for granted because you immediately become excessively available... and we all know, when you are always available you are no longer requested, you are simply expected... catch my drift?
- You know you are in a good place in your life when you can sit and discuss all the wrong moves you have made, all the disastrous dates you've been on, all the messy conversations you have had... and simply, LAUGH about it. Not to mention look forward to the many more stories to add to the equation. Oh and don't forget the most important thing... you must be ok with the realization of being single. (lovely! )

And so continuing with my 09 theme I am going to challenge myself to hang out at places outside of my norm... new people, new thoughts...

Ill leave ya'll with this excerpt from our convo:
Me: maybe love is not something that happens to you, mayb its a choice you make.
Mj: Oh no? what is love?
Me: love is crazy hard incomprehensible
Mj: and we yearn it bc?!
Me: well... its a feeling above all else.

Okay kiddies. I suppose to those who read my blog this may just not make sense. But it does to me. And at this moment in my life, the most important thing is that I'm finally beginning to be sure of who I am.

Carpe Diem.



beWILDerin_lyfe said...

Very interesting! Many things rushed to the forefront of my mind after reading this, unfortunately they rushed at me all at the same time and I was brushing my teeth as they did so now I have to try to put those thoughts into words as cohesively as they sprouted in my mind.

You said so much on this blog, I love it.

In reference to the people we date, what do you mean by recycled? Recycled by society, women, you?
I agree with your statement about being considerate and making yourself readily available. However, you must make yourself available to some extent in order to be approached (or have game kicked to you ask you posed it).

Yet I agree with giving a little mystery because people want what they can't have. So I do "catch your drift" Mademoiselle.

Being able to reflect on our blunders in the dating scene is in a way refreshing and I suppose our way of taking it with a grain of salt I refer to your title, el limon? well that's the chaser!

As far as love is concerned... I'll get back to you on that one cuz I am also trying to discern this amusing concept.

I have to say I have trouble believing that you are just now learning to be more "comfortable in your skin" as I interpret your last sentence. You seem plenty sure to me.

Yari Blanco said...

haha im glad you enjoyed the post.

I mean recycled as in the type of person they are, granted no one is the same, but they probably have a cluster of traits that resemble someone you have already dated. Example, for me it is usually the witty intelligent guy, or the artist.

You can make urself available when you are trying to meet the person. I meant it as in once you are already establishing a relationship (no titles of course)if you are always willing to see the person they stop appreciating the "im going out of my way for you" thing...

I am comfortable in my own skin, but I am starting a new phase in my life, which is why I said that at the end.

p.s. limon y sal is the title of one of julieta venegas songs, but nice usage! =) good day