Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mind, Body & Soul...

So I've been preaching all this stuff about being happy and that's great. But I'm going to suggest you take it to the next level. I know I know, practice what you preach but! I'm doing it as well (ahah!) So with that said here it goes.
We as women and men cannot be completely happy if we aren't there on 3 levels:
Yes, we can be happy by doing the things that stimulate us such as reading or riding a horse. But we should not stop there. By doing the above activities we are simply working on our mental well being; (here comes my suggestion)-- in order to work on your physical well being (happiness) you should begin to take part in some type of sport or active routine. I myself have started to go to the gym as I once use to. And can I just say that it made me feel AMAZING. It releases so much stress not to mention you feel so accomplished at the end of the work out. Americans, and whom ever else lives in the U.S., tend to sit around a t.v or computer ALL DAY and become displeased with their appearance... leading to unhappiness (see!). So go out there and do yoga, take a jog, grab your cousins bike and ride around, or maybe you can do what my mami does and turn up the radio and dance like a mad person (trust me shes kept in shape)...
As far as your soul, well only you can figure out a way to feed it. Me? I take time to meditate each day, I thank God (whoever he may be) for another day of sun light and for giving me another chance to make someone else's day a better one... So maybe that can work for you.

Love me, mind, body & soul.

p.s. listen to MIA Boyz if you need a song to get your booty going...heheh

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A through X

Sometimes I wonder why it is that we as people tend to stay in uncomfortable and destructive situations. When is enough, enough?? When is it that people realize that maybe they are in this specific situation because they have allowed it to get to where it is at thus far. From personal expereince and from others, I really would like to advice anyone who is in an unhealthy relationship to try and get out of it. I know, easier said than done... but I did it and I have plenty of friends and sisters who did it as well. All that is needed is will power, and what helps more is if you visualize yourself without that other person, visualize yourself doing the things you like being single. Sometimes we as people think that we need something when we really dont, and that is when the relationship becomes an addiction and it is no longer there for happiness or for partnership... Sometimes, we forget to be independent and become children. I can understand that ultimately we want someone to love, someone to grow with and share memories wether good or bad with...but, when you force yourself to stay with a person that is clearly doing you more bad than good...maybe, is time to break away from the usual path... and take the road less known. Just a thought. Life is too short to stick around something that isn't doing you any good, your emotional and mental well being are more important than any female or male... Sincerely, Chica

Also, listen to this song if you need some other motivation to end the unhappiness!!
Ingrid Michaelson "Starting Now"
It is truly an amazing song...put it as aloud as you can and let the words run through you like the many tears, screams and sleepless nights.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

daze says to push it

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Dear people that read this blog,

Okay ready! so today I was finally ticked off for 2 secs before I stopped myself and took a deep breath... like a good friend told me you have to be very selective over the times you are pist during ur lifetime, only because all that time u spend being pisst off you could have done one of the following
1. eaten chips
2. read a magazine
3. listened to ur fav music
4. secretly written something in ur fab journal
or my fav 5. drank some good beer , liquor or sissy chick drink

So with that said... I wont talk about my dreadful afternoon where i missed my train and dropped all 4 of my bags, not to mention sweated a storm trying to catch the wagon... I'll just tell you how I managed to get to school in 1 piece, and got my wonderful HEOP check that made me smile. Not to mention i got to see the greatest housemates and drank some amazing smirnoff green apple bite.. the beauty of being 21 is that i dont have to care about anything, except for ummm my great friends, fkin cool as sht mother, and others that catch my heart.

p.s. listen to kanye west--- good morning...
p.p.s. A wonderful male has made me smile all week and I wanted to simply say to him....thank you for being a breath of fresh air in such a polluted atmosphere.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

As I rode the train...

New York city is like a playground... is the biggest backyard anyone could ask for. Instead of the sandbox you got central park, instead of the monkey bars you can just monkey around haha... anywho, I feel I get my best thoughts when I'm riding the train and listening to music from my head phones. All of a sudden I turn into some type of anthropologist and I begin to observe all those who ride the train, the strange things they do and the crazy things they say... but then I get caught up in my own day dreams and self critical thoughts. So before I go nuts I'd rather write them down.
I'm on this quest for happiness right? (as you should be too) and at times I feel that by letting certain people get to you, you start to almost believe that what they are saying is true...making you feel guilty, without any true logic. In other words whoever said sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me, was a moron. I'm sorry words are like knifes that if used properly can surely cut through the skin and cause some major damage to the soul...and some people are so good at that. So this weekend as I battled with my own thoughts and emotions I decided to teach myself a way to not let others words have such an impact in what I feel or act. See my friends, some people are just miserable and they wish to bring you down with them... the question is will you be like the captain in titanic and go down with the ship? or will you put on a life saver and hope for a better tomorrow? I dont know about you, but I am most definitely looking forward to the sunshine, rain, or snow that God decides to give me.

So this is what I came to realize tonight, that instead of rationalizing and trying to convince yourself that whatever you feel or think is in fact true...maybe, just maybe, if your heart is telling you that it is CORRECT... then stop killing yourself over feeling that way. Stop saying sorry for the things that you haven't done, stop feeling guilty for the actions you have not committed... start being okay with your choices, because they are a reflection of you and what you desire and they should make you happy...

Like this book my wonderful friend P. got me, it says that sometimes we have to have faith that whatever life throws at us we will be able to handle... and sometimes even if the experience is horrible or frighting we should have faith that we can move past it. Out of all bad comes good... your mission is to find it. Grasp on to it, and teach it to someone else.

Song of the weekend "merry happy" by kate nash (thanx to Dani and Jmo for putting me on)


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I'm a tigger

A friend of mine once asked me, are you a tigger? It took me a while to answer this simply bc who the hell would ask such a question? I've always been a fan of the chubby donkey ior (is that his name?)...but hes always so sad. So after he explained it to me, I came to the simple yet wonderful realization that I am def a Tigger.
See as a tigger I am in charge of my own destiny. I and only I have the power of making me happy, sad, angry, upset, excited blah blah... you get the point.
People always complain. And none want to do a damn thing about their situation, is like all they want to do is complain. I think some individuals live for it. So for the first time in months (bc as sad as it is and as hard as it may be to believe, I too was one of those people that always complained about bullshit) I am taking charge of me. I am maintaining my happy state of mind, and if by some reason I decide to let some unworthy human being shake my mood, I am only to blame for it.
People! this is the thing! ready? You! Can! Be! Happy! yes, I know it is a difficult concept to grasp... but seriously it is easy. Just do it (like Nike). If there is something negative in your life, then cut it off from existance! I did it! and it has done wonders for me... I'm smiling! shoot! I even started this blog.

So go! do it! start to take control of your life! and stop worrying about what others think or might say. True friends will always stick around and those who didn't, well clearly they weren't as cool as you (or me).

p.s. Listen to Sara Bareilles "Sweet Love" (just do it)